Duplication Centre

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Going Greener?

Going Greener CD and DVD DuplicationIt’s 2011 and little is being done for this planet on which we live! Remember the ‘green’ revolution that started before the financial crisis? And as the situation seems now, it looks as though little, or indeed nothing has really been done in the DVD business.
Well, maybe that’s not quite true! There have been a few companies out there who have invented new technologies and products like the EcoDisc a carbon light DVD and FSC paper. However little has been done to implement these and other technologies on a large scale.
On a more positive note, the DVD/Blu-Ray industry has managed to go a little greener.  A few years ago, in the US, Walmart asked one of its DVD suppliers — 20th Century Fox — to be a part of a pilot for a carbon reduction project. They made simple changes to make DVD packaging lighter, which in effect cut energy use by 28%. This reduced the lifecycle carbon emissions of these DVDs by about 25,000 tons. It had a big multiplier effect, too, because the lighter packages were also used on DVDs sold at stores other than Walmart.  The change also evolved from movies to video games and software too. Small change — big cumulative effect.
The environmental impact of the manufacturing industry is not only down to the big companies.
When choosing CD/DVD/Blue-ray duplication, consider the environment. The least negative impact your final product or promotional material has the greater support you offer the environment. When and where possible use the least amount of packaging. Ask yourself does the disc need to be in a plastic box or will a cardboard wallet as offer by companies such as Duplication Centre be a better eco-friendly option. Not only does it take up less space, it uses fewer resources to produce and transport and can naturally biodegrade when no longer needed, meaning less to go in land fill.
The environmental impact CD/DVD/Blue-ray duplication has is in all our hands. There are many things businesses small and large can do and if put in place wisely, will further help reduce the carbon footprint (considerably). Let’s remember it’s all cumulative.

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