Duplication Centre

CD, DVD, Blu-ray duplication

01702 530 354

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Archive for July, 2020

Lockdown Sessions: 31st July 2020

Friday, July 31st, 2020

Music Room in house with many guitars and a keyboard where recording music in LockdownWhite cd disc with words printed in black LOCKDOWN music recorded during covid 19 virusred cd with lockdown sessions printed and picture of electrical leadsWhy not produce your lockdown sessions in hard copy to sell online and at future gigs?

There’s been a lot of musical inspiration during this unusual time.

We can help you make this happen.

Learn more by calling us on 01702 530354 or chat with us online via the home page.

Our FAQ will also give you lots of helpful information:


We can send your CD’s & DVD’s straight to your customers: 24th July 2020

Friday, July 24th, 2020
Your CD/DVD/Blu-ray Orders
Produced & Delivered
on Demand

Upload your CD/DVD/Blu-ray masters & artwork:

  • Orders produced instantly on demand
  • Shipped globally to your customers
  • Seamlessly managed through our “invisible” service

Interested & would like to find out more?

Visit our website:


Make More Money From Your Music: July 17th 2020

Friday, July 17th, 2020

In the covid world, with less opportunities for live music income, artists are looking for  new opportunities to earn money.

Here’s an idea that will make you money.

Go back to all of your albums and release special versions only available on cd ….. the key here is not to upload this to

Spotify. You then give your fans a reason to buy your album!

Ideas to make it exclusive include:

For the Audio:

1.New tracks not on the original album

2.Remixes previously unreleased


4.Live versions

5.Instrumental versions

6. Lockdown Sessions

  • You can also make the album art unique and desirable in itself.
  • Many albums of course have the lyrics but what about explaining to your fans the background to how / why it was written
  • Anything that makes it interesting…. that you can’t get on Spotify for free!
  • Hope this helps to make you money let us know your success stories .

To help you even more add FREE4 in the special code box as you check out and we will give you 4 extra units free of charge.

You can check out our prices on the instant price calculator here:


Sell Your Products Digitally:9th July 2020

Thursday, July 9th, 2020
Sell Your Digital Products
From Your Website

Pay As You Go

If you don’t sell anything you don’t pay anything.

No monthly subscription.

  • Sign up for free and upload your content to our servers
  • Copy the code we provide to create buy buttons
  • Use the buy buttons on your website/emails/social media
  • Your customer orders and pays via PayPal
  • All the money goes straight into your PayPal Account
  • We action the digital delivery to your customer
  • Commission on sales 10% billed monthly
  • If you don’t sell anything – we don’t bill you anything
  • If you haven’t got a website, we create one for you for free

All you need is customers who want to buy your products and a PayPal account.

Interested? Have a look at our website





Recycled Discs: 2nd July 2020

Thursday, July 2nd, 2020

For those who like myself hold recycling dear to the heart I have proof that one form works.

discs hanging in tree to protect bunch of red cherry's from birds

Not one cherry eaten by birds!!!


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