Duplication Centre

CD, DVD, Blu-ray duplication

01702 530 354

24 Hour Turnaround

Archive for March, 2020

Helping The NHS: 25th March 2020

Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

We are proud to supply DVD’s to the NHS for rehabilitation of cardiac patients, who cannot have hospital appointments due to the Covid 19 Virus.

cardiac exercise DVD's in plastic wallets for the NHS side by side

Call us if you think we can help your business in any way on 01702 530354.


Business As Usual: 18th March 2020

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020

Let us help you through these unusual times!

As a family run business we are in the unique position to be able to keep our business going despite the difficulties.

We’re all here to help eachother and have within the family & close friends, interchangeable and varied skills that allow us to keep doing business.

You can order online and if you need help use live chat from the home page or call us on 01702 530354; we will have our phones on to take your calls…business as usual!

persons arm streching through a computer screen to shake hands and help


We Do Waterproof Print ! 13th March 2020

Friday, March 13th, 2020

I thought it was worth letting our customers know that at Duplication Centre we also specialise in Waterproof Print.


Using our State of the Art Richo Pro C7100sx we produce waterproof print in 300 gsm and 170 gsm for outdoor pursuits,outdoor cafes & restaurants, aqua sport and other marine needs, maps, walking & hiking, leaflets & flyers….and the occasional poster for a lost cat!!!

We are proud to say that we  have just completed an order for the Royal Society For the Protection of Birds.

A4 booklets ringbound with various outdoor scenes of wildlife

Ready for outside use in the RSPB Hides.

Brand New Music Platform: 6th March 2020

Friday, March 6th, 2020

We are pleased to let you know about a brand new music platform launched recently by a Star Globe.

Thestarglobe.com is Brand new social media tailored for the music industry.

You can network with other artists & producers, discover recording studios, music venues, music video services locally or globally and much more!

Check out the link below to see and learn about this new venture…..


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