Duplication Centre

CD, DVD, Blu-ray duplication

01702 530 354

24 Hour Turnaround

Duplication Centre Resource Centre

Information for all your media duplication and replication needs

Sell Your Products Digitally:9th July 2020

Sell Your Digital Products
From Your Website

Pay As You Go

If you don’t sell anything you don’t pay anything.

No monthly subscription.

  • Sign up for free and upload your content to our servers
  • Copy the code we provide to create buy buttons
  • Use the buy buttons on your website/emails/social media
  • Your customer orders and pays via PayPal
  • All the money goes straight into your PayPal Account
  • We action the digital delivery to your customer
  • Commission on sales 10% billed monthly
  • If you don’t sell anything – we don’t bill you anything
  • If you haven’t got a website, we create one for you for free

All you need is customers who want to buy your products and a PayPal account.

Interested? Have a look at our website





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