Duplication Centre

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Posts Tagged ‘amaray’

Amaray Eco-friendly DVD cases

Wednesday, August 1st, 2018

We have always favoured the Amaray DVD cases. Their quality in the industry is well known and we value using high quality professional cases for all our orders.


We just thought that we would update you about our choice to use the Amaray Ecolite cases whenever we can which you will notice if you look on the inside of the case that it does not carry the usual AMARAY branding stamp.

These is however an itc number embossed on the spine of all Amaray Ecolite cases so you know that it is genuine.

This information comes directly from Amaray and we feel is good justification to continue to use the ecolite case for our orders.

The Ecolite was a  down weighting to deliver the same performance of product but 7g less material which is  14% weight saving.

To achieve this we re inserted face plates to new weight.

The material remains the same which is 100% polypropylene even the clear inlay  film is. PP(polypropylene) is a great plastic that recycles easily up to 20+ times and can be reused for multiple products. The colour pigment is also PP based clean food grade. Therefore if/when the product reaches end of life the Amaray case can be fully recycled.

Finally within Amaray manufacturing UK we create zero scrap – all machine rejects/start up waste is fed back in through the process and reused.

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