Duplication Centre

CD, DVD, Blu-ray duplication

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Posts Tagged ‘professional finish’

Cellowrap, Shrinkwrap & Cellobags

Wednesday, September 12th, 2018

Here at Duplication Centre we offer all three of these options for giving your CD/DVD or Blu-Ray the fully professional finished look.

What is the difference?


We use this process for wrapping Single Standard DVDs along with Double DVDs,3 Way and 4 Way DVD cases and for all Standard Single and Double Jewell cases.

This process is semi-automated and applies a thick plastic outer wrap by a heat sealing process, to pre-cut pieces of the plastic wrap.


We can use this process to wrap any of the cases we offer in the duplication process using PVC shrink film (gauge 15 micron) including:

Jewell Cases both single and any multi-way, DVD cases single and multi-way, Blu-Ray cases both single and multi-way,Clam Shells, Digi-paks, and all the slimline versions of the cases that we offer on the web-site. We can also use shrinkwrap on our digi-paks and card wallets.

Like cellowrapping this is a semi-automated process where the roll of wrap is cut to size using a heat bar, sealed and then literally “shrunk” to fit the case being wrapped with a heat gun.The customer then rips this off to open the product.


Both of these processes produce fully sealed units which not only look very professional but are then fit for sale on the internet. For many company’s cellowrap /shrinkwrap is a requirement  acting as proof that the product is new and has not been “tampered” with.

Both are easily removed and then the wrap needs to be discarded.



These are bespoke bags that we have are made-to-measure for  products that we offer them on; they fit snugly and look professional.

They are clear and can be sealed with a sticky panel much like a self-seal envelope.

The advantage with these is that with careful removal your product can be reinserted for added storage protection.

The process of applying these is completely manual.

It is available on all the single and double cd jewell cases (standard and slimline) and on DVDs both single double 3 and 4 way as well as the slimline version.

It is the most popular choice for our card wallet and digi-pak products.

These are all optional additions to the packing of your order and not essential unless you plan to sell on web-site like Amazon where it is a must!

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