Posts Tagged ‘duplication’
Tuesday, October 8th, 2024
As we enter the “rainy season” don’t forget that we can do waterproof posters, flyers & tickets for your gigs or events!
The paper we use is literally fully waterproof so even the heaviest rain won’t rip or spoil it.
Just email and i’ll give you an idea of what we can do for you .
This is the “beast” that does all the work for us!

Tags: duplication, General information, Helpful HInts, merchandise, printing, waterproof print
Posted in Duplication, general information, merchandise, waterproof print | Comments Off on Waterproof Print: 8th October 2024
Thursday, February 22nd, 2024
We can print and supply Waterproof Posters , Flyers/Leaflets or even Business Cards and even Spiral Bound Books.
Really anything you need to be waterproof we can print for you .
We can do this in sizes up to A3 and we offer 2 thicknesses of paper : 170gsm and 350gsm …both of which are completely waterproof.
Great for outside advertising, menus, maps, anything you need to be able to wipe clean!
All you need to do is send us a PDF with your design .
The posters are available as an option as you check out, but if you would like any more information about this please email me :
Tags: duplication, eco friendly, printing, waterproof print
Posted in Duplication, Eco-friendly, general information, printing, waterproof print | Comments Off on Waterproof Print: 22nd February
Thursday, July 20th, 2023
If you thought that the end of the DVD is nigh, you might want to think again. Like anything else in life it’s not straight forward anymore, but little nuggets exist under rocks if you seek them out. The question we are often asked is that “people don’t have DVD players anymore” so how can our customer play them?
The above is generally true but, older people still have DVD players and use them, a lot, so don’t ignore this market.
Lots of people still have drives on their main systems so don’t forget they can play DVDs.
X Boxes and PS 3s 4s 5s all play DVDs!
Most households have a gamer – young or old – so don’t miss this and remind your customers!
We enable you to sell you DVD video content online. Instead of buying a DVD, your customer buys a file to download and play.
This is not streaming. This is you selling them the digital file for viewing on any player that supports MP4s so PCs/Macs/Tablets/TVs with that functionality etc see It’s a self service website and relies on you setting everything up, but once you have done it you are away.
BluRay works beautifully on Gamers Xboxes and PS 3/4/5 too so make sure you don’t miss this.
The key is to make your customers aware of the above.
Tags: advice, duplication, DVD, DVD Duplication, Helpful HInts, merchandise, technology
Posted in advice, communication, Customers, Digital download, Duplication, general information, Helping You Decide, Interest, merchandise, Secrets to selling, technical | Comments Off on Selling DVD’s in Today’s Marketplace: 20th July 2023
Thursday, November 10th, 2022
Merchandise is such an important way for you to give your fans something to take home after a gig.
It thankfully also gives you a way to make a little extra money.
It really isn’t too early to think about getting stocked up for sales of your CD’s and DVD’s at gigs, in the run up to Christmas.
If you need any help or advice with any aspect of ordering or the preparation of your artwork and content give us a call, email or come on to live chat.
Our phones come direct to us here in the office and production room so you can speak to someone who knows our processes and will really be able to assist you . Call us on 01702 530354 or email :
We will be very happy to help and advise you.

Tags: advice, CD Duplication, duplication, DVD Duplication, Helpful HInts, live music, merchandise, selling
Posted in christmas products, Customers, general information, live music, Make some money, Selling Your Music | Comments Off on Merchandise for Christmas:10th November 2022
Tuesday, August 30th, 2022
Duplication Centre is open after the Bank Holiday Weekend and in full production.
Let us know if you need any help with your order or general advice about duplicating CD’s , DVD’s or BluRay.
We are here from 8 am till 4 pm Monday to Friday .
You can speak directly to staff who are friendly and knowledgeable and happy to help you.
By phone on 01702 530354
On live chat or by email to or
You can get an instant price and order online here:
We look forward to working with you!
Tags: advice, BluRay, CD Duplication, duplication, DVD Duplication, help, Helpful HInts
Posted in advice, communication, Customers, general information, helping you, Helping You Decide, opening hours | Comments Off on Full Production:Tuesday 30th August 2022
Thursday, September 2nd, 2021
Fans love to have something tangible to take home after a live music event.
Make some cash and sell your Cd’s after a gig; dont make them too expensive and you’ll sell more.

This is the time to sell!
We have reduced the prices on all our card products which are the most popular at the moment. They are nice and compact and unbreakable, so great for taking to gigs.
You’ll find the prices by using the link below:
Tags: advice, CD Duplication, customers, duplication, eco friendly, Helpful HInts, live music, selling
Posted in advice, Customers, general information, helping you, Helping You Decide, live music, Make some money, Secrets to selling, Selling Your Music, The Environment | Comments Off on Make Some Money: 2nd September 2021
Friday, July 17th, 2020
In the covid world, with less opportunities for live music income, artists are looking for new opportunities to earn money.
Here’s an idea that will make you money.
Go back to all of your albums and release special versions only available on cd ….. the key here is not to upload this to
Spotify. You then give your fans a reason to buy your album!
Ideas to make it exclusive include:
For the Audio:
1.New tracks not on the original album
2.Remixes previously unreleased
4.Live versions
5.Instrumental versions
6. Lockdown Sessions
- You can also make the album art unique and desirable in itself.
- Many albums of course have the lyrics but what about explaining to your fans the background to how / why it was written
- Anything that makes it interesting…. that you can’t get on Spotify for free!
- Hope this helps to make you money let us know your success stories .
To help you even more add FREE4 in the special code box as you check out and we will give you 4 extra units free of charge.
You can check out our prices on the instant price calculator here:
Tags: advice, artwork, CD Duplication, customers, duplication, DVD Duplication, packaging, printing, selling online
Posted in helping you, live music, music, Secrets to selling, Selling Your Music | Comments Off on Make More Money From Your Music: July 17th 2020
Friday, May 1st, 2020
A lovely lady from the Physical Health & Rehabilitation Psychology Department at NHS North Cumbria called us last week to ask for help for patients who are currently not allowed into hospital and don’t have the facility for streaming or downloads…but do have DVD players.
We have worked with her to produce at DVD9 Living Well Group Video that she can send in the post to all these patients.
If you need to know anything about the NHS and Covid 19 you can follow this link:
Tags: charity, covid 19 work, duplication, DVD, DVD Duplication, help, Helpful HInts, nhs
Posted in Charity, communication, Customers, helping you | Comments Off on HELPING THE NHS: 1st May 2020
Wednesday, March 25th, 2020
We are proud to supply DVD’s to the NHS for rehabilitation of cardiac patients, who cannot have hospital appointments due to the Covid 19 Virus.

Call us if you think we can help your business in any way on 01702 530354.
Tags: advice, CD Duplication, covid 19, customers, duplication, help, Helpful HInts, helping patients, nhs, selling online
Posted in communication, Customers, helping you, Helping You Decide, music | Comments Off on Helping The NHS: 25th March 2020