Duplication Centre

CD, DVD, Blu-ray duplication

01702 530 354

24 Hour Turnaround

Duplication Centre Resource Centre

Information for all your media duplication and replication needs

Supporting the NHS: October 22nd 2020

3 white cds with printing covid 19 help videosDuring Lockdown and subsequently in the new world Covid 19 has brought us to, we have been proud to be able to work with the NHS and other health support systems.

By producing DVD’s with vital information and instructions to patients we canĀ  communicate with those who have no online access or those who are now unable to attend hospital sessions.

Audio CD /CD Rom are also being used to get vital information and support to the most vunerable in their own homes. If you would like any help or information about doing a similar thing, in order to reach customers remotely call us on 01702 530354 or email una@duplicationcentre.co.uk

All the prices are freely available online and you can get an instant quote here too:






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