Duplication Centre

CD, DVD, Blu-ray duplication

01702 530 354

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Posts Tagged ‘Recycling’

Eco-Friendly Products: 13th June 2022

Monday, June 13th, 2022

We are very keen to promote all our card products and are always trying to find ways of recycling wherever we can.

Our industry was traditionally very plastic orientated but over the years we have moved to create our own bespoke card products, having die cut templates made with UK printers in order to produce really high quality packaging for your CDs and DVDs . I think this is key, we haven’t brought in card products that are in any way inferior to the traditional plastic options.

Our card is responsibily sourced and FSC Certified as sustainable….and very high GSM…so the single card wallets, the lancing packs and double card wallets are all 350 gsm…lovely and thick and professional to the touch and print, as well as being very protective for your discs. They are all silk finish.


The Earth


Recycling Our Waste Discs: 9th March 2022

Wednesday, March 9th, 2022

Revive Innovations are a start up company in Bristol .

They produce a new signature material called RE-CD which uses our waste discs to produce a new beautiful & robust material.

This is then manufactured using common workshop tools and processes into peices of furniture, jewellery and many other products. Production has low emissions and products are repairable and reprocessable.

The finish on products is sanded and polished to either a matt or gloss finish.

It is made from 100% recycled discs whether they are Cds, Dvds or Blu-Ray.

The physical properties of RE-CD is durable, hardwearing and temperature resistant.

The end product is a unique sustainable composite material.


Have a look …what they are doing there is amazing!



Recycling Our Waste Discs: 28th February 2022

Monday, February 28th, 2022

We are delighted, in fact over the moon, to partner with Revive Innovations to recycle our waste discs.

For a long time we have struggled to find a viable long term way of recycling discs.

We build up unwanted discs when, for example a machine does a “bad” print or our burners reject a disc.

Over time these mount up and apart from a few small projects, we have never found anywhere to recycle these on a longterm basis.

More news next week on Revive Innovations and the new life breathed in to our rejected discs.

The Earth

Recycling at Duplication Centre: 8th December 2021

Wednesday, December 8th, 2021

Chatting to a customer yesterday made me think about how much we are able to recycle and be eco-friendly, even in our industry which has traditionally been very plastic orientated.

We have promoted all our Eco-friendly products for some years and we only use FSC Certified and Sustainable Card and Paper.

In addition to that we recycle all incoming supplies boxes and use them to double box and protect our outgoing orders.

Our general ethos is to try to recycle anything we can …from bubble bags, & boxes to over-run discs / spoiled discs.

All of this makes sense to protect our environment and makes great business sense too .

Let me know if you have any other ideas that we can adopt ,which maybe i havent thought of !

Email me : una@duplicationcentre.co.uk

Brown recycled cardboard box with green recycing symbol around it


Price Decrease on all our Card Products: 20th May 2021

Thursday, May 20th, 2021

We have massively decreased the price of all our card products…why?

Two reasons:

To give you a boost as we get back to normality, with live venues opening again; it will make your money go a bit further!

To promote the use of eco-friendly card products in our industry, which is historically  very plastic orientated.

The price drop includes single card wallets, double card wallets, lancing packs and digipaks.

card wallet and cd picture of Harry Redknapp football pundit and ex manageropen 4 page lancing pack with picture of countryside and a man and a woman

All our other prices remain as they were, which is still very competative.

Have a look using our instant price calculator.


Allotment/Work Connection: 7th May 2020

Thursday, May 7th, 2020

We try to recycle or reuse as much as we can at work in all areas whether it be paper parts, envelopes, boxes, discs or ink cartridges.

I am loving to be able to reuse over-run CD’s & DVDs at my allotment to act as bird scarers.cds with burn side showing ties through centre hole with string

Recycling Discs: 20st February 2020

Thursday, February 20th, 2020

As part of our ongoing search to find worthwhile causes to recycle our discs we are collecting over-runs or “spoilt” discs to send to Holborough Lakes Special Resource Provision at Valley Invicta Primary School; working with children who have Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs.


The discs are going to be used for projects in their sensory garden and we look forward to sharing pictures of this when it is complete.

silver shiny cd discs spread on table for recycycling


Recycling CD’s & DVD’s: 26th Nov. 2019

Tuesday, November 26th, 2019

We are always on the look out for ways to recycle CD’s & DVD’s because no matter how hard we try we do get discs that are unusable; they sometimes get spoilt in the print process or rejected from the burners if there is an error.

Ball with mosaic silver pieces cut and glued on to sparkle and shine and spin

With Christmas on the horizon I saw a great way to make some unique decorations.

Get a polystyrene ball, the kind you can buy in craft shops.

Cut up a CD or DVD irregular or regular shaped pieces, and glue them onto to polystyrene…bit like a disco ball :)…add a ribbon or string for hanging it!


Recycling Discs: 13th September 2019

Friday, September 13th, 2019

However hard you try, in production of orders we do sometimes have spoilt print or rejected burns from our machines.

That means we have unusable discs, which we always try to recycle in some way.

Just one wonderful use for a recycled CD/DVD !!


man with glasses and moustashe trimming it with scissors using a cd as a mirror


The environmental impacts of CD and DVD duplication and replication

Wednesday, August 9th, 2017

What are the effects of duplicating CDs on the environment?

Reports on the state of the environment are all around us, becoming one of the main concerns of the public.  And within this there is no denying that CD and DVD duplication and replication, like every business, has its role in being able to make the environment better or worse.  However there are things that can be done to help – and you yourself can do your part!

But first, consider this:  For each CD made, one kilogram of carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere.  Now, that may not sound like much but when you throw into the equation that In the year 2000, 2.455 billion CDs were sold worldwide it makes 2,455,000 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide in one year, plus the 3 and a half metric tonnes of toxic waste that comes with it!  And that, scarily enough, is for just the mass CD duplication of the music industry alone.  That doesn’t count computer games, promotional DVDs, DVD films, any software sales or the blank CDs just sold in shops!

And what happens to all of these CDs once nobody wants them anymore?  That’s right, they end up in landfill.  Because of the complex nature of their make up (CD’s contain many layers of mined minerals such as aluminium, gold, silver and nickel mixed in layers with non-biodegradable petroleum-derived plastics and lacquers) they cannot be recycled in the tradition sense, either.  In fact, if they are accidentally put in plastic recycling, they have been known to ruin the recycling equipment itself!  This is because the plastic used for CDs, polycarbonate plastic (derived from BPA) is almost impossible to recycle and has been linked to human and animal health problems and polluted groundwater.

But there is an alternative to this notorious plastic:  Polylactic acid (PLA) is an entirely biodegradable plastic substitute derived from corn – not only biodegradable but sustainable, too!  Here, then, the environmental impact of mass CD duplication could be lessened greatly.

In a similar vein, jewel CD cases are also clogging up landfill sites.  These, too, could be replaced in the mass CD duplication industry with the PLA cases or could be made out of paper out of recycled paper, a practice some individual CD producers have started to do follow.  This last idea has its problems, however, as the paper and cardboard cases are simply not as durable as the plastic ones and this, more than anything else, has been keeping them off the market.

But enough about what big business could be doing:  What can you do?  Well, you could send your old CDs off to a handful of private companies who have come up with some innovative ways to recycle them.  They can, for a small processing fee, be transformed into all manner of things, ranging from street lamps and car parts to, rather ironically, new jewel cases for the CDs themselves!  A good UK disc recycling company is Polymer Recycling Ltd.  You can also choose an environmentally responsible company for your CD and DVD duplication and replication needs, for instance Duplication Centre UK or Replication Centre UK who do all they can for the environment, for instance by recycling their packaging materials they reduce the amount of their waste that goes into landfill!

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